Sunday 9 August 2015

Evaluate the impact that innovation, design & creativity (IDC) have on the specific strategy of your SERVICE organization

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Select one organization from each of the organizational types addressed in the Week Two readings—(one in manufacturing and the other in a service industry)
Organization Location
Select an Illinois headquartered organization that you are familiar with for each industry type
Organization Definition
Must be an authentic organization (CANNOT be a UOPX Virtual company NOR a fast food or retail chain)
Write a 700 to 1,050 word paper that includes the following:
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines using subheadings in assignment order
Identify the two specific organizations
List specific strategic goals/objectives for each organization
Discuss the (Processes, Products, or Services) of your selected organizations
Evaluate the impact that innovation, design & creativity (IDC) have on the specific strategy of your SERVICE organization
Evaluate the impact that innovation, design & creativity (IDC) have on the specific strategy of your MANUFACTURING organization
Include at least (2) two scholarly sources (current within the last two (2) years) in addition to the textbook (3 total)

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