Monday 8 June 2015

Female III-4 is pregnant via male III-5

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Female III-4 is pregnant via male III-5. The owner of this breeding pair wants to know the probabilities of several possible outcomes for their offspring (IV-3). Answer each question by dragging the correct label to the appropriate location. Labels can be used once, more than once, or not at all. Pink: Condition A, Autosomal recessive Blue: Condition B, X-linked recessive What is the probability that IV-3 will have condition A? What is the probability that IV-3 will have condition
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What is the probability that IV-3 will have condition A? 1/36
    What is the probability that IV-3 will have condition B? 1/8
    What is the probability that IV-3 will have both? 1/288
    What is the probability that IV-3 will have neither? 245/288
    What is the probability that IV-3 will have at least one of the two conditions? 43/288
