Saturday 27 June 2015

ECO 365 Entire Course All DQs, Individual & Team Assignments

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ECO 365 Week 1 Discussion Questions 1, 2 and 3
ECO 365 Week 1 Individual Assignment: Article Analysis Paper
Using the resource Electronic Reserve Readings (ERR) for ECO365, the Course Web Links, University Library, Internet, and/or other sources of literature, locate an article concerning trends in consumption patterns.
Prepare a 1,050-1,400-word paper in which you:
  • Define Economics
  • Define Microeconomics
  • Define Law of Supply
  • Define Law of Demand
  • Identify the factors that lead to a change in supply and a change in demand
  • Analyze the basis for the trends in consumption patterns as discussed in the article. In your analysis, consider the utility derived from the products mentioned in the article, describe what has occurred to change the demand for, or the supply of, the good or service, and market prices of those products or services.  Or to say it differently, make sure to utilize the terms you just defined as tools by which you analyze the article.

ECO 365 Week 2 Discussion Questions1, 2 and 3
ECO 365 Week 2 Individual Assignment: Supply & Demand Simulation
Summarize the Supply and Demand Simulation make sure to address the following:
a). What causes the changes in supply and demand in the simulation?
b). How do shifts in supply and demand affect your decision making?
c). List four key points from the reading assignments that were emphasized in the simulation
d). How can you apply what you learned about the concepts of supply and demand from the simulation to your workplace?
e). Determine how price elasticity of demand affects the decision making of the consumer and of the organization
f). Summarize our results of the assessment.

ECO 365 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment: Organization Industry Overview
Prepare a 1400 – 1750 word paper analyzing the current market conditions of the organization/industry you selected during Week One.  Address the following topics in your analysis:
Market Structure
Impact of new companies entering the market
Productivity (consider law of diminishing marginal utility)
Cost structure
Wages & Benefits
Fixed and Variable Costs
Price elasticity of demand
Supply and demand analysis
Impact of government regulations

ECO 365 Week3 Discussion Questions1, 2 and 3
ECO 365 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment: Current Market Conditions Competitive analysis
Prepare a 1400 – 1750 word paper analysing the current market conditions of the organization/industry you selected during Week One.  Address the following topics in your analysis:
  • Market Structure
  • Impact of new companies entering the market
  • Prices
  • Productivity (consider law of diminishing marginal utility)
  • Cost structure
  • Wages & Benefits
  • Fixed and Variable Costs
  • Price elasticity of demand
  • Competitors
  • Supply and demand analysis
  • Impact of government regulations

ECO 365 Week 4 Discussion Questions 1, 2 and 3
ECO 365 Week 4 Individual Assignment: Difference between Market Structures
You will apply important microeconomics concepts toward the competitive strategies of an organization that operates in an industry of your choice. You will evaluate the differences between market structures and identify a group of competitive strategies consistent with the market structure that best aligns with the market in which the organization competes. You will assess how the market structure positively and negatively affects the firm and evaluate the efficacy of the structure’s competitive strategies.

Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Differentiating Between Market Structures Table located on the student website. Compare the various characteristics of the market structures by completing the table.

Write a 1,050 – 1,400-word paper

  • Select an industry. Identify an organization in that industry. Identify the market structure in which this organization competes. Clearly indicate why the market structure was decided upon, and how this market structure differentiates from the other alternatives.
  • Identify three or more competitive strategies of your choice that may be used by the organization to maximize its profits over the long run. Evaluate the efficacy of these strategies in the market structure you identified.
  • Make recommendations related to the strategies the organization might consider to maximize its profits.
  • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

ECO 365 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment: Market Trends Paper
Write a paper of no more than 1,750 words in which you describe market trends your organization or industry will face. Explain your conclusions. Address how each of the following will or will not change, and why:
  • Market structure
  • Effect of new companies entering the market
  • Prices
  • Technology
  • Productivity: Consider the law of diminishing marginal productivity
  • Cost structure
  • Wages and benefits
  • Fixed and variable costs
  • Price elasticity of demand
  • Competitors
  • Supply and demand analysis
  • Effect of government regulations
  • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

ECO 365 Week 5 Discussion Questions1, 2 and 3
ECO 365 Week 5 Final Project

ALL Discussion Questions
  • What is the definition of price elasticity of demand? Explain the relationship between price elasticity and total revenue? How does price elasticity of demand affect a firm’s pricing decisions? How does the availability of substitutes affect price elasticity of demand? Provide examples.
  • What is the difference between a movement along and shift of the demand curve? Show the impact on the equilibrium price and quantity that results from; (1) an increase in demand, (2) an increase in supply, (3) an increase in both supply and demand. Give an example of the role of supply and demand in decision making.
  • What is economics? What role does economics play in your personal and organizations decisions? Give an example of the role of economics in decision making.
  • What is the difference between a movement along and shift of the demand curve? Show the impact on the equilibrium price and quantity that results from; (1) an increase in demand, (2) an increase in supply, (3) an increase in both supply and demand. Give an example of the role of supply and demand in decision making.
  • What is average productivity? What is marginal productivity? Explain the relationship between marginal and average productivity. What would happen to marginal and average productivity if a technological innovation is introduced to the production process?
  • What is the law of diminishing marginal productivity? Give an example from your workplace of the law of diminishing marginal productivity? Might diminishing marginal productivity impact the costs?
  • Why is the demand of labor a derived demand? Explain the shape of the supply of labor curve. What is the relationship between productivity and the wages earned by an employee? What are some factors that determine the level of your income?
  • What are the conditions for a perfectly competitive market? What are the conditions for a monopolistic market? What are the conditions for a monopolistic competitive market? What are the conditions for an oligopolistic market? How would you explain the differences among these market structures? Identify which market structure your organization competes in and why you think so.
  • What conditions exist when economic profits are maximized? What is the difference between economic and accounting profits? How could you graphically illustrate economic profits made by a perfectly competitive firm; monopolist; and firm competing in a monopolistic competitive market?
  • What are some real-life examples of monopolistically competitive, oligopoly, and monopoly markets? How do market prices differ between perfectly and imperfectly competitive markets? Will a monopoly always produce at a profit-maximizing level of output? Explain your answer.
  • What is an externality? Provide examples. How does an externality affect the market outcome? Is it possible for a government’s solution to a market failure to actually worsen the failure? Explain your answer.
  • What are the differences among horizontal, vertical, and conglomerate mergers? What does the U.S. government hope to achieve through the use of its antitrust policy? How do the resolutions of the IBM®, AT&T®, and Microsoft® antitrust cases differ? How does international competition affect domestic antirust policy?
  • What is the cost/benefit approach that a typical economist takes to analyze regulations? What are the goals of taxation? How are economic policies impacted by politics, and how politics make a positive or a negative contribution to economic policy? How does antitrust policy and regulation affect economic welfare?
  • What are the impacts of innovation and technology on the cost of production? How does technology affect market structure and real-world competition? Which market structure is best suited for technological innovation? Explain your answer. How has technological innovations affected your organization?
  • What factors influence a firm’s competitive strategies? How does global economic competition impact the price elasticity in the domestic market and decisions related to the strategy a firm uses to compete? Why do most economists oppose trade restrictions? Who have been the winners and losers as a result of NAFTA? Explain your answer.
  • How do you define social diversity and business ethics? How has a more diversified labor force affected the corporate structure and the economy? What are some potential roadblocks, ethical or otherwise, in promoting a diverse workplace? Explain your answer.

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